ational Standard of the People's
Republic of China
Replaced of GB 17565-1998
General Specification for Burglary-resisting Doors
Promul gated Scptcmbcr 15, 2007
Effective as of April 1, 2008
Promulgated by State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Ouarantine, China and China National Standardization Administration
Articlc 5.3, 5.4.2, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 5.10.1, 5.10.2 and 5.10.3 in the standard arc compulsory clauses
and others are recommended clauses
Thc standard is a revision to GB 17565-1998 General Specification for Burglary-resisting Doors
compared to which, the standard has accommodated following changes
Original burglary-resisting door classes“C"',“B'and“A' are revised to classes“ア',Y”,“B
In burglary-resisting door classification, material thickness and allowable tolerance of steel
burglary-resisting door bodies are newly added
Permanent fixed identifiers are specified
Test of main strike plate cffcctivc cxtcnsion Icngth and number of lock-up points bctwccn
doorframe and door leaf are increased
Two inspection tcms "Dad wcight suspension tcst"barrier strike tcst related to hing
connection strength are added
Bascd on matcrial quality and thickness, rcsidual dcformation in impact tcst is morc
specifically limited, and incorporated into regulations for burglary-rcsisting sccurity classes
In destructive tcst, itcm"cut a 615 cm?opening "for door leaf destructive test is only spccificd
for non-stccl matcrials
Durations of destructive pcrformance tcsts arc adjusted to 30 min, 15 min, 10 min and 6min
total interval timc, timer and timing mcthod for opcration arc specifically spccificd
Terminology and definitions for foldable door, fence door, timing lock, two-way lock, special
lock, anti-pry lock and portable clcctro-drivcn arc dclctcd
Door hinge stability test is deleted
Intcr-unlock ratc tcst for mcchanical anti-burglar locks is dclctcd
Test for electronic coded locks is added
Warning system test is deleted
Under-vollage warning test is deleted
Test for applicable voltage range is deleted
Dag weight suspension test and barrier strike test in strength of connection between door
hinge and door leaf supersedes original pressure test
Anncx A to the standard is an informative appcndi
The standard is presented by Ministry of public Security, China
Thc standard is centrally administrated by National Standardization Tcchnology Committcc for
Security prevention and Warning Systems
Thc standard is drafted by Panpan Anju Co, Ltd, Chongging Mcixin Manson Door Co, Ltd,
Secretariat of Physical Prevention Equipment Sun-technical Committee uder National
Tcchnology Committee for Sccurity Prcvcntion and Warning Systcms, National Quality
Supervision Test Center for Security Prevention and Warning System Products (Beijing
Shanghai)and Wangli Group Co, Ltd
The standard is mainly dra led by Han Zhaoshan, Mou Xiaosheng, Xia Mingxian, Dai Xuerong
Ma Mingyu, Wang Binjian and Sun Xiaodi
Historic edition replaced by the standard is