ASAE D271.2 DEC99
Psychrometric Data
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
ASAL is a professional and technical organization, of members worldwide, who are dcdicatcd to advancement of
cnginccring applicable to agricultural, ood, and biological systems. ST Standards are consensus documcnts
developed and adopted by the Mmcrican Socicty of Agricultural Engineers to meet standardization needs within the scope
applications, plant and animal environment, and waste managemenl " "& uipment, structures, soil and watcr resouree
management, turf and landscape equipment, forest engineering, food and process engineering, electric power
Technical and Editorial Change Notation: The symbol I preceding or in the margin adjacent to section headi
paragraph numbers, ligure captions, or (able headings indicates a technical change was incorporated in thal arca when
has been revised. The symbol E used similarly indicates editorial changes or corrections have been made with no
intended change in the tcchnical mcaning of the document
ASAF, Standards, Fngineering Practices, and Dala are in formational and advisory only. Their use by anyone
aged in industry or trade is entirely voluntary. The ASAE assumes no responsibility for results attributable to the
application ol thesc ASAL Standards, Enginccring Practices, and Dala. Conformity does not ensure compliance with
applicable ordinances, laws and re ulations. Prospective users are responsible for protecting themselves against lia bility
for infringement of patents
This standard may be designated ANSLASAE. If so, this standard is an American National/ASAE Standard as
determined by the accreditation of the AS AF by the American National Standards Institute(ANSD). Approval of an
American National Standard requires verification by ANS that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other
criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer
Consensus is established when, in the jud ment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been
cached by directly and materially amleeled interests. Substantial agrecment mcans much more than a simple majorit
but not ncccssarily unanimity. Consensus rcquires that all vicws and objections bc considered, and that a concerted offor
be made toward their resolulion
In the casc that this slandard is an ANST/: standard, this Mmcrican National Standard may be
Revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be
taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive
current information on all standards by calling or writin the American National Standards Institute
Copyright American Society of Agricultural Engineers. All rights reserved
ASAE-THE Society for engineering in agricultural, food, and biological systems
2950 Niles Rd.,St. Joseph,MI49085-9659, USA ph.616-4129-0300,fax616-429-3852, ha@asae,org