Guangxi Medical Journal, Mar. 2014, Vol 36, No.3
Effect of Early Enteral Nutrition on Nutritional Status and
Immune Function in Patients with Severe Head Injury
ZOU Tian-lei, ZHAO Yong-mao
(Intensive Care i, Afiled Hs of Dali r Dali 671000, hin)
Abstract Objective To investigate the effect of early enteral nutrition on nutritional status and immune
function in patients with severe head injury, and to provide a scientific basis for nutritional support treatment in patients
with severe head njur Methods sing e method of random number, 60 patients with severe head injury were randomly
divided into 3 groups, control group, early nutrition group and early immume mutrition group, with 20 patients in each group
The control group was given the traditional nutrition, the early nutrition group was given sequential nutrition support
treatment of paren eral nutrition(PN and enteral nutrition(EN), the early immune nutrition roup was given glutamin
(10 g daily )based on the early nutrition. The patients were deteted for otal protein, albumin, transferrin, immunoglobulin
CD3 D4 and D " levels on the fist, seven h and fourteenth day, hen the results were analyzed. Results The level
of otal pro en, a um, DD CD, G of early mme ion oup were higher tan those of ea
nutrition grou which were i er than the con ols(Ptreatment time(P <0.05). Conclusion Early immune nutrition plays an important role in improving the recovery of
nutrition status and immune function in patients with severe head injury
Key words) Head injury; Enteral nutrition; Parenteral nutrition; Immune function; Glutamine